Thursday, August 31, 2006

Highlighters rule

What did we do before the highlighter pen? Oh wait, I remember because I grew up in antique educationville... North Wales. We used to underline important words in red ink. That said, we also used fountain pens with ink. I'm not kidding.

The reason that has got me thinking about our blessed flourescant friends is a scene from earlier today. Imagine, I work for Starbucks. I'm bussing tables and cleaning up after the filthy rich. I look over and there's a group of Prada ladies. I suppose they where ladies because they had purses and pointy shoes. In my world, that makes you a lady. They all had highlighters in hand and of course I got closer so that I could spy.

The Toronto International Film Festival is a week away. This time next week I could be flying high with happy success and execution, or wondering what just happened. There's a large marketing event a block down from my store that will be attracting a lot of, lets say important people. Ok, so there's the background story.

The ladies with their nails were somehow holding the highlighter pens and full on debating which films they were going to see during the 10 day festival. They had different colours for different ranking of preference. Which led me to this question: Are wealthy people wealthy because they are very organized and have mild obsessive compulsive disorder; or did the money make them that way?

My favourite colour highlighters are yellow, green, orange and blue. Never pink.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Ker and I have been working hard at getting this place to look like a home. After a month of compromise, purging and reality we've come up with a pretty awesome nook of a space... well that's what we think.

Our wee bedroom!

Our wee bathroom!

Our living room

We live down by the Rogers Centre and CN Tower. Toronto lakeshore waterfront in my estimation is 10 years behind Vancouver in terms of beautification and development. However they are moving really fast and even tried creating a faux "Stanley Park Seawall" feel to the Queens Quay area. This included masses of temporary red geraniums and closing one lane of traffic (much to the dismay of some carbound torontonians). This faux beauty is now gone, it was a tease. It will be back.

Anyhow I digress, we live in a condo here. Which on a map is the green arrow here.

All in all everything has been a huge adjustment but it was well worth it. The future is friendly.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Canada Road Trip 2006

In response to your "where the hell are the photos" demands... well here's an explanation... in point form.

  1. I do not soley exist to post photos on the internet
  2. We spent 6 days driving across Canada then promptly started work soon thereafter
  3. My computer was shipped
  4. I recieved my shipment of broken goods 2 weeks ago
  5. My computer survived and has been running for a week
  6. I've lost the one memory card that held the first leg of our trip photos... groan..... it's here somewhere

That said, I live to post photos to the internet *grin

Friday, August 25, 2006

Woke up, it smelt like rain

This could possibly be easier than web conferences, emails, and phone calls... or not. Truth be told, I've missed blogging. Ever since my ex started over analyzing and stalking me via blog comments the blog lost it's appeal, that and microsoft continued to change msn spaces to their detriment.

I'm back with a refreshed look. Hope you like it. I expect comments or I'll stop writing - family that's for you -> if you read my blog, then you're going to have something to say. Write it. If I took the time to type it, you can reciprocate. We're all busy people here folks.

You can view my photography over at