Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Sunday Morning after

I honestly hope there's calm after this because the last 7 weeks have been a rollercoaster ride! I'm happy I haven't lost my mind, I'm estatic that I've dealt with stress by seeing the humour in the situation. The irony, the beauty and raw human nature and emotion.

Since July 20th I have:

  • Purged and packed all my belongings into neat labelled boxes and shipped them to Toronto
  • Unpacked damaged boxes and cursed the moving company
  • Learnt 20 new partner (staff names), likes, dislikes, scheduling concerns/preferences, life events, passions, phone numbers
  • Learnt my new phone numbers and address
  • Moved into a small but amazing condo with my fiance (who has been incredibly supportive through all this)
  • Navigated through the TTC (toronto public transit system)
  • Connected with my regular customers, memorized their drinks.... grande 2 pump sugar free vanilla, lactaid, 1 sweet and low, no foam, extra hot latte.... ( x 7,000 customers in a week)
  • Memorized street names, Starbucks locations and store manager names
  • Went to V-Fest, Ben Harper, Hawksley Workman and possibly more ear drum killers! Yahhh!

  • Lived through Toronto International Film Festival without having time to go and see a film... but I got to hear about them ALOT
  • Was asked countless times which stars I've seen.... to which I replied with fictious stars and stories. No, no I didn't I told the truth
  • I saw Angelina Jolie and baby on Bloor street when I was going to the bank. When people ask what was she like, I reply... like a regular person, walking around with a baby strapped to her chest, but with a big old gucci bag... or at least whatever it was one of those bags
  • I prepared my store for an impromtu visit from the man who started it all. Howard Schultz, chief global strategist and founder of Starbucks Coffee Company
  • Met Howard Schultz as he toured my store, he's awesome
  • Oh and finally, this one has been my sanity amongst this madness... I'm a stepmum and I love it! Kendra is a sweetie, Ker and I are so lucky
  • Booked a 5* all inclusive vacation to Mexico with Ker. Going to meet up with the parents *grins, no really it's a good thing

All in all, life is amazing and I have it all in perspective.... I think I'm finally on the down side of this learning curve.


At 1:30 p.m., September 17, 2006, Blogger Christine said...

I'm so envious of you Sarah. You've finally, almost, "got it all" so to can see your life in a much more long term way I'm sure. One day for me.

I got the new John Mayer cd yesterday...that was a happy moment. Nevermind that it was 50% off for me and that the guy selling it to me, is the one I'm mad about...;)


At 1:41 p.m., September 17, 2006, Blogger Sarah Owen said...

I really like that one song of his. Not sure what the name of it is because I rarely have time to breath let alone check the cd player.... Yeah, I closed last night and my 3rd closer fell and either sprained or broke something in her hand... sent her to the hospital, then there were just 2 of us until midnight on the last night of TIFF. It was INSANE but it's over. I hope Ashleigh is ok... hmmm I wonder how many shifts I need to cover tomorrow.

I just said bye to Ker, he's gone to Huntsville on business for a night and a day *pout we're so sappy it's fun.

I miss you. Talk soon. I keep meaning to call you and I will. That's a threat.


At 4:21 p.m., September 17, 2006, Blogger Christine said...

You better call.


At 2:42 p.m., September 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Much respect sister, Welsh kids represent.


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